Omar Taiebi

Omar Taiebi

Director École Nationale de Danse de Marseille

Omar TAIEBI led the formation of classical dancers in Paris, by Pascal Vincent, Raymond Franchetti, Attilio Labis, Gilbert Mayer and Maître Serge Peretti of the Paris Opéra.

He began his career in Washington Square, created by Rudolf Noureev, before engaging with Maurice Béjart at the Ballet of the 20th century for the creation of « Malraux » at the Chatelet theater. The reunion with the Victor Ullate Company, in Madrid, also includes « The Ballet Stars Dancers Company » in Tokyo under the artistic direction of Melissa Hayden, star of the New York City Ballet.

In 1991, he was engaged at the Grand Théâtre National de Bordeaux where he participated in 2005 as a dancer or soloist in all the productions of the classical grand repertoire, of the previous chorégraphes and of the international tours of the subsequent directors, Paolo Bortoluzzi, Eric Vu An and Charles Jude. Previously, he also participated in the international private tours of the Paris Opéra in USA and Japon.

He got Diplôme d’Etat (DE) en 2001 and Certificat d’Aptitude à l’Enseignement de la Danse (C.A.) en 2008,

Since September 2012, he occupies the role of director of teaching and art at the École Nationale de Danse de Marseille.

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