Moreno Mostarda

Moreno Mostarda

Moreno Mostarda
Hip Hop, Locking and Popping Teacher/Choreographer.

-Presenter and International Judge on national and international competitions (Hip Hop International Grace, Denmark, Belgium, Ibiza Full Dance, World Dance Cup Spain).

-Guest Teacher at Accademia Princess Grace in Montecarlo (Monaco) 2012/13, Teatro San Carlo in Naples 2019 and Performance Danza in Linz (Austria) 2018/19.

-Choreographer of the film “Ballando con Noi” (2012), of the Coca Cola Tour (2004) and SPQR CREW for the oldschool part.

-Dancer and CAP teacher for the Botega Dance Company from 2000 to 2010.

moreno mostarda
Sanja Maier Hasagic

Sanja Maier Hasagic

Sanja Maier Hasagic. Internationally renowned modern dancer, choreographer and dance teacher Sanja Maier-Hasagic started performing at an early age in her native Sarajevo / Bosnia

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