For problems with registration, read the FAQ
If you are unable to sign up and book, here is the solution to the most common problems reported to us
IMPORTANT: registration must be made in the name of the participant, not of the parents. For minors, information on the parents and authorization to process the data are requested when completing the form.
This is the link to sign up: REGISTRATIONS
Have you signed up? if you have registered you CANNOT immediately book the activity (workshop, audition, etc.) we must first validate the registration, if you paid by credit card online the process is quite fast, if you have indicated the payment method ” bank transfer” you must wait for the credit to arrive.
After our validation you can book the activity. A common problem:
it asks you for the 15 euros again. This means that you are using a different device than the one used to sign up or you are no longer logged in. You have to:
at the bottom right of the home page click on “login”, enter your user name and password, once logged in, go back to the top of the site and choose for example “workshop”, “auditions” etc. and select the chosen activity in the correct group/age. The site will not ask you for the 15 euros again

another problem that was reported to us concerns the booking of activities, some people happened to arrive at the end of the booking process and at the time of payment/log out an error message appeared “Ticket information is missing”
actually just enter the participant’s first and last name and a mobile number, see the screenshot below